Interview preparation
Although a lively discussion can be fun and stimulating for everyone involved, there's no escaping the fact that being interviewed for a Savills graduate traineeship can be a challenging experience. But there are plenty of straightforward things you can do to increase your chances of success:
Be prepared to answer a great many questions about your experience to date - particularly elements you have mentioned in your application form, covering letter and CV
Look carefully at the list of competencies we value in the 'What we're looking for' section of the site. Come up with some examples which demonstrate you possess them - possibly from past work you have undertaken or your academic life, but also from extra-curricular and social activities, sports, travel and more
Our dress code is smart office wear
Leave plenty of time for the interview. We may want you to meet other people from the business, so don't be in a rush to leave
We expect you to show good current awareness of market events, such as recent major deals- so do your research